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Monday, February 3, 2014


Mondays have always been my 'home' day. Restoring routine after busy weekends; mopping, vacuuming, cooking for the week. Stuff like that. It's my only day off from work, although quite often I do some bookwork on Mondays too if the week ahead is looking busy at work. Sunday nights are always reserved for folding washing ready to put it all away in the morning.

I like to start the week off with everything organised and in order.

Today has been a funny day though. Still all the usual things but instead of sending one kiddie off to school, two went today. Chace started school last week and has completely thrown himself into it. He loves it. Sienna has been surprisingly helpful too, even though it's apparently not real cool for a grade two-er to socialise with their preppy brother...!

So today has just been Lex and me. Just the two of us. She's off to start big kinder tomorrow and she's very excited. But Mondays are now just us two. And it's been lovely. Being the third child, she's not had the luxury of a lot of one on one time with me. She's always been so good, just fits in with what's going on. She just follows me around during the day, helping me cook or clean. Or she's happy to play until I get a few things done and then come and join her. She yaps and talks and laughs. We've had a delightful day!

 - Mem x

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A new year already!

So a new year is here. Ask me where 2013 went and I honestly couldn’t tell you. What a whirlwind year! And now, here’s 2014 and I’m about to send my second baby off to school. I have no doubt that this year is also going to fly – two kiddies at school, one at full-time big kinder. Then on top of all that there’s dance classes, soccer, footy, work, a holiday planned, a few weddings, housework, and all the rest of it. No wonder I don’t realise why the years go so fast.

So school’s back next Wednesday. The bags are ready, everything is labelled, Sienna’s allergy plans are sorted, even the kids are set. We’ve had a lovely few weeks of holidays but I can tell they’re starting to get sick of each other and it’s definitely time for them to be back in ‘normal’ routine.

Mondays are going to completely throw me. It’s my only full day off work during the week and since I’ll have two at school this year, it’ll be just me and Lex hanging out. How strange it will feel to just be back to having one child in the day!

Happy New Year everyone!

-          Mem x

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Camping or City?

So hubby is off on a fishing trip for a couple of days with his brothers and some mates. There's boats, fishing, camp bbqs, beers...and probably lots of burping and farting. A man's paradise! Cody and his brothers have been wanting to boat along the Murray River up to Renmark for ages.

The kids and me (and my parents, and my sis and the fam) are going to drive to Renmark on Friday to meet them there and have a long weekend at the Big 4. I'm slowly getting used to the whole camper trailer trips away. I have to admit, it is relaxing.  It's kind of nice having a tent/kitchen/my own things packed in a trailer that we just hook up to the car and go. Instead of booking accommodation when we go away now, we book sites and drag the camper with us. I do like an ensuite site though...nothing worse than a midnight dash across a caravan park for a wee, or worse - to find the elusive loo hole we dig when roughing it down at the river!

We did a trip to Port Elliott earlier this year and what a gorgeous spot that is. Right near the beach and it was quite soothing to fall asleep in the camper listening to the waves crashing. I really don't mind camping these days. (I still take make up!)

But I've never actually towed the damn camper trailer! Actually, I've never towed anything. Cody made me have a drive on the weekend with it hooked up. Apparently I did good. I remembered to break earlier than usual. Leave room for turning - no cutting corners! I was more panicked that it might actually fall off! Cody assures me it won't. Well, as long as it's hooked up properly, it won't. Thank goodness my dear Dad will check that for me.

Thing is, as much as I can kind of do these country girl things, and raise my 'country' kids, I still think there's a lot of city chick in me. I grew up in a town only 1.5 hours from Melbourne. We spent a lot of time in Melbourne growing up. Beautiful hotels, theatre, shopping, loved it. I still get so excited whenever I have a trip to Melbourne coming up. It really is my most favourite city. I love the busyness, the chaos, the lights, the....everything! I could get lost in that place and yet never actually be lost.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life here. I wouldn't raise my kiddies anywhere else. It's perfect for our little family. And this is where our whole extended families are too. It just made me laugh watching my gorgeous hubby this morning, all excited to be heading off on a boy's, country-ish, camping trip - and in complete contrast, a trip to the big city would be my idea of bliss!

Cody and I were talking about it last night too. And he even compared my excitement of one day visiting New York to how much he'd love to visit Darwin again soon. Bless him!

- Mem x

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sleepy Heads

So there's a little person in our bed with us. I was still up reading and she just, snuck in and snuggled up.

She's not well at the moment. A bit of a cold, a bit of croup. She had today off school - and that's saying something! It takes a lot to convince Sienna that she's not well enough to go to school! She loves it.

I'm very lucky that I can stay at home to work if one of the kids are sick. Gosh I get so much more done when that damn office phone isn't ringing beside me all day! 

After the two little ones were dropped at kinder and daycare, and of course a quick trip to the doctor, I grabbed the laptop and hunkered down on the couch with my big girl. We yapped while I worked, she's good company my Sienna. Cold and dreary outside too, so the perfect day to be stuck inside. Just need to get her well for her birthday on Saturday!

But regardless of being unwell, our almost-7 year old creeps into our room a lot still. At least twice a week. Sometimes she'll go back to her own bed, some nights she can't be convinced and ends up on a little mattress beside our bed. She seems to have this need to be near us more lately. Even though she can have the attitude of a hormonal teenager some days! It doesn't bother us at all, just another little phase that she'll grow out of I guess. 

Chace also often sneaks in some nights too. Not Alexis though...she's out from the second her head hits the pillow, all the way through to morning! The other two have music, lamps and night lights at bedtime. Lex likes darkness and quietness.

I do find it comforting though, having my babes nearby while they/we sleep. I like them close by. And rather than fighting with them for hours to get them back into bed, at least this way we all get some sleep.

- Mem x

Monday, May 27, 2013

Winter Change

Can't believe we're almost in the middle of the year already!

The days are getting colder, it's almost really Winter now. Oh how I love Winter! I love the chilly days of rugging up; grabbing a blanket to snuggle on the couch at night. Scarves, hats, boots - love, love, love.

Preparations are in full swing for two little people's parties coming up in the next few weeks. June just seems to come around so fast. It's a crazy month for our family - so many birthdays!

It's also the time of year I notice a huge change in all of my children. It's 6 months into the school/kindergarten year. They've learnt so much in the first half of this year - and with it, they're a little more grown up, a little wiser, a little less 'baby'.

The age gaps between the three of them is seeming much less than it did last year. They play, quite happily, most of the time so well together. Lex has very few toddler tantrums anymore and can finally do what her older brother and sister are doing. They have funny little conversations that are completely serious to them but have me in fits of giggles.

I do miss their babyness. I really do. Their independence is getting bigger everyday. And in a way, it's lovely. The freedom of not having to remember nappies wherever we go. The pram rarely comes out anymore. But those baby years are gone in the blink of an eye, aren't they?

So that's where we're at. They're growing up and this time of year is often when I notice just how much. In a few weeks, I'll have a 7, 5 and 3.5 year old. In just 18 months or so, I'll have all 3 of them at school, my goodness!

They never grow out of cuddles though - and that's another lovely thing about Winter, lots and lots of warm snuggles!

 - Mem x

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Early Bird, Night Owl

I wake up most mornings a little bleary eyed, like most people. I have early risers - Lex is usually first up for the day anywhere between 5.30am and 6.30am. Luckily I'm a morning person - I just get that coffee into me and only then can I have a decent conversation with anyone!

Alexis is the brightest little thing first thing in the morning. She bounces out of bed and heads straight for the fridge for her customary morning juice. Then onto the pantry to grab the Rice Bubbles.

Chace is pretty bouncy too, also always up before 7am, but all hell breaks loose when breakfast is offered to him. What he'd like, is chocolate covered biscuits with a scoop of icecream and lollies sprinkled on top. What he gets, is Weetbix or Nutri Grain, maybe toast and yoghurt. And so it goes, every morning, we battle it out at the pantry - me and my boy. There's lots of foot stamping, lots of stare outs - but he suddenly gets over his morning blues, takes the bowl and eats without another word - almost. every. morning.

Now, I can already tell which one of my kids will be the colossal sleeper-in-er in the teen years...that will be my Sienna. She leaps out of bed on Christmas, first day of school, back to school after holidays, birthdays, etc. But on normal mornings, there's a lot of, "Sienna, time to get up!" Like, about four or five times before I get frustrated and carry her out to the kitchen and plonk breakfast in front of her. She'd sleep away the morning if I let her - much like her Daddy on the weekends. Except he's not allowed to either, I stand at the end of the bed nagging him about what needs to be done. Works a treat, my naggy voice is not something to be reckoned with!

So I'm a bit of an early bird. But I'm very much a night owl too. My two little ones are generally in bed by 6.30-7pm most nights (due to their early rising!) Sienna is in by 7.30pm. They eat dinner between 5pm and 5.30pm. Because when they're in bed, that's mine and hubby's time. Time to relax, unwind. Enjoy dinner together, talk like grown ups or kick back with some TV. As much as family dinners altogether can be wonderful, I just know my kids aren't up for that yet. Cody is lucky to walk in the door by 6pm most nights, their little tummies would be screaming by then. And of course add tiredness to that mix and it all turns to complete feralness. So they eat early, they're in bed early. For now, it works.

I really think I need to start going to bed earlier too, but night time is when I just find so much to do?! Washing to fold (I don't fold washing in the day, Lex is a little too helpful...), lists to write, organising for the days ahead, pack away any toys that are left out. (Cody does the dishes, it's my strictest rule, since he really can't cook!) We're planning for a holiday, so I spend hours on the iPad doing up dummy itineraries to get the budget just right. Or I stumble across a good book, or mag, or re-read a favourite book.

I'm a sucker for American drama TV shows. Love them. Parenthood is my favourite. Love a bit of Glee too.

So there goes my night. In the quietness of my house while the babies sleep soundly, I jam so much stuff into my evenings that I don't often end up going to bed until around midnight most nights. I kind of like it that way long as there's coffee in the morning!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Slow down babies!

What's the go with Summer holidays?

It seems to be the time of year when kids do a whole heap of growing up right before our eyes.

Yesterday Sienna lost her fourth tooth - one of the major ones, a front top tooth. And the other is so loose, I'm guessing the tooth fairy may be back again tonight for another visit. But looking back on my own school photos, my teeth (and Boo's) didn't seem to have budged until at least mid through our Grade Two years. Sienna is just about to begin Grade One and it seems a very grown up thing to have so many gaps in her mouth already.

I've also noticed her being a lot more grown up around the house. She's always been pretty good at packing up toys and keeping her room tidy. But these holidays, she's offering to help with so much more like getting the washing in and helping me unload the dishwasher; helping her brother and sister pack up and generally helping them with little things throughout the day too.

Seven years ago, I was feeling like a whale, only halfway through my first pregnancy, eagarly awaiting our first baby, and oh my God, was it a hot Summer that year! And now, here's that little baby girl seeming ever so grown up.

Not just Sienna, Chace and Lex too.

I remember Sienna being a little unsettled before her final year of kinder began, she was just so ready for that extra stimulation and was itching to learn new things. But Chace REALLY needs to go, another week can't come fast enough for him! He's started writing his name and reading really simple words. He's in a mood a lot of days when I can just tell he's bored with the routine at home and has exhausted everything I'm teaching him. He's soooooo ready for kinder to begin!

Same with Lex, she goes off to little kinder next week as one of the younger ones. But there was no way I could hold her back another year! She's toilet trained, the baby-ness evaporated over Summer and she is such a social butterfly. Her bag is packed and ready to go. She tells me stories of what she and her best friend Abby will get up to at kinder.

I've slowly been clearing out the toy cupboard of any baby toys and last week, the last of it all went to the Salvos. It really did tug at my heart strings! I've kept a few favourite little things like Sophie the Giraffe and their favourite rattles. I do love watching them grow up and go through different stages. But I really don't have a baby in the house anymore!

I'm blaming a combination of pool water and sunshine, surely that's what's made my little ones grow up so suddenly over Summer - yes?!